Saturday, March 8, 2014

How to test Webservice using SOAPUI tool?

This blog explains about testing simple webservice using SoapUI tool

You need to install SoapUI s/w in order to proceed below blog, You can download this s/w from :

- Launch 'SoapUI' tool
- Create new 'SOAP Project' - File -> New -> SOAP Project

- After successfully creating SOAP Project, Expand the newly created soap project, you will see all the operations as shown below

-Expand the operation that you want to test, double click on 'Request' , You will see blank SOAP Request on right hand side of the window.
- Enter the required input parameters in the Request, then click on 'Green Color Run' button as shown below, This will invoke the web service and response will be displayed.

Friday, March 7, 2014

How to See messages in JMS Queue in Weblogic Console ?

This blog explains about how to see messages in a JMS Queue in a Weblogic console ?

- Login to Weblogic Console
- Select 'JMSModule' and select the queue which you want to monitor
- Select 'Monitoring' Tab

- Select the queue name and click on 'Show Messages'

- You can view/add new message/ delete existing messages as shown above

How to test OSB Business service from OSB Console ?

This blog explains about how to test OSB Business service from OSB console.

- Login to OSB console, Click on 'Project Exporer' button in 'Operations'
- Locate the OSB Project, which contains desired Business service which you want to test.

- Click on 'Launch Console' icon as shown above.
- Enter the input as shown below and click on 'Execute' or 'Execute Save' buttons.

How to deploy OSB Service ?

This blog explains about various methods to deploy OSB services.

- Right click on OSB project, export as a JAR as shown below

- Login to OSB Console
- Click on 'Create' in 'Change Center'
- Click on 'System Administration' in 'Opeations'
-  Choose the exported OSB Configuration project jar, Select the OSB Project which you want to deploy and click on 'Import' button

- After successful import , click on 'Activate' button in operations
- Click on 'Project Explorer' button in 'Operations' and locate your OSB Project

- OSB Project is successfully deployed to OSB console

How to publish a message into JMS Queue using OSB Process?

This blog explains about publishing a message into JMS Queue using OSB

- Create JMSServer, JMSModule and JMSQueue. Below is list of queues which I have already created. Ensure target server should have OSBServer as target server.

- As we are going to publish/enqueue a message, Create a business service as shown below

- Using OEPE(Oracle Enterprise Pack for Ecilipse) create new OSB Configuration Project

- Create new OSB Project in above created OSB Configuration project as shown below

- Create various folders for Business Services, Proxy Services, xsd's and Transformations in above created OSB Project

- Create new business service by right clicking on 'Business Services' folder and choose Business Service, Give meaningful name

- Choose 'Messaging Service' in General tab as shown below

- Based on your requirement choose any of Message type for Request and Response, In this example, I want to publish simple text message, I chosen 'Text' in Request , I don't have any response, so chosen 'None' in response as shown below
- Enter below information in 'Transport' tab
  Protocol - jms
  End Point URI - OSB Server name, Port , Keep the default connection factory as it is , JMS Queue name

- Enter the below info in 'JMSTransport' tab
 - Destination Type - Queue
 - Message Type - Text
 JMS Service Account - If you have any authentication setup on JMS Queue, then use the JMS Service account , otherwise leave this as blank
- If you want to persist the message until the consumer consumes the message then select 'Enable Persistent Message' option as shown below

We are done with creating business service which publish message into JMS Queue.

How to Create JMS Queue and Topic in Weblogic Server

This blog explains about crating JMS Module and JMS Queue
1. Create JMS Module, Here is brief explanation about JMS Module

JMS system resources are configured and stored as modules similar to standard J2EE modules. Such resources include queues, topics, connection factories, templates, destination keys, quota, distributed queues, distributed topics, foreign servers, and JMS store-and-forward (SAF) parameters. You can administratively configure and manage JMS system modules as global system resources.

- Enter the JMS Module Name and meaningful description.

- Choose the server where you want to deploy the JMS Module

- Choose Finish

- JMS Module successfully created

   Creating JMS Queue

Select the JMS Module and click on New button

- Here is brief explanation about JMS Queue

- Select the Queue and click on Next

- Give meaningful name for queue and JNDI. This allows to uniquely identify the resources in a JMSModule

Choose if there is any existing sub deployments created for the JMSModule, otherwise create new subdeployment
- Give meaningful sub deployment name

- Choose the appropriate JMS Server for and click on 'Finish'
- JMS Queue successfully created

Creating Topic

- Follow the same steps as above mentioned , instead of 'Queue' select 'Topic' in a JMSModule

Monday, February 10, 2014

singleton ability in Inbound Adapters

Inbound Adapters have the property to read a file, it can be DB or File.

These adapters act bit differently when deployed to any clustered environment. Usually Performance and Production environments are clustered, in these the adapter will read the file in both the nodes. In order to suppress this behavior, we can add singleton property in composite.xml as follows:

 <binding.jca config="GetInputDetails_file.jca">
      <property name="singleton">true</property>